Lolabean — the QUEEN CITY STYLE — Whitley Adkins


Lolabean Lightening Bolt

I think most of you know I am somewhat of a runoholic and that I ran the Kiawah Marathon last weekend.  I was nervous going into the race since I have maintained some sort of injury for the better part of the last 12-18 months.  This was the first race in at least that long that I was showing up for totally injury free and healthy.  Totally awesome but also scary at the same time. I realized my speedy training at both short and long distances was likely what was causing the break down.  I ran a conservative race at Kiawah, felt great and qualified for Boston again in 2016!  This my third marathon, and I was about a minute shy of my fastest finish, BUT I placed 5th in my age division, so I am very happy with the entire experience and feel very blessed.  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you likely saw this awesome Lightening Bolt necklace from Lolabean, sent to me by way of an awesome friend of one of my hippest friends.  I wore my Lightening Bolt necklace as a good luck charm for fast feet during my race.  It worked!

Want to a Lightening Bolt swift feet good luck charm like mine?  Through January 1st Lolabean is offering 20% off all products to all readers of the Queen City Style.  Shop all their delicate wonders here, and enter code queencitystyle20.