Goorin Bros

Wonder Woman x Veronica Beard

What can I say? It's been a week! Am I the only one that feels this way? As in Praise The Lord I have an arsenal of super powers in the back pockets of my favorite flare denim trousers? Does it count if I spend (probably way too much of) my time wondering WHAT is going on?! If so, then I can say with total and utter honesty I feel like Wonder Woman most days.

No, I AM Wonder Woman. I've got more than two pocket fulls of unapologetic optimism to slay life's metaphorical dragons every day, even the Devil himself, dare to come my way. Oh, and friends. Don't get me started there. If you count them too, we are talking a battalion of super powers, and you don't want to mess with that. My body, soul, character and mind are mine, but my faith and friends; they are my cape, cuffs, headband and a$$ kicking red boots that giving me extraordinary strength. There is strength in numbers. Shop the entire Wonder Woman x Veronica Beard collection HERE.

Photos: Olly Yung