Simplicity — Whitley Adkins


Just because I love fashion doesn't mean I am orderly about it.  Overall, I think I am an organized person, but the right brain side of me always seems to creep into the picture.  I guess that's what you called organized chaos.  In this month's Charlotte Parent Magazine,  I shared Four (unexpected) Ways To Treat Yourself This Mother's Day.  I wanted to take a moment to highlight one of them.  My husband and Precious Peanut #1 have been at ski school since Thursday, and while being with Precious Peanut #2 for four days with zero break is utterly exhausting (holla if you hear me), I always seem to get so much more done around the house when there's only one.  I'm going to take a quick moment just to say that after taking my creative frustration out on our yard and patio, I think it is now borderline Charleston Gardens material. My closets have made some notable progress as well, thanks to the mad organization skills of Simplicity Professional Organizers.

Here is the BEFORE...

My Closet Before Simplicity Entered My Life

My Closet Before Simplicity Entered My Life

And now, here is the DURING, then the BEFORE again and the AFTER...

Here's the thing.  Could I do this on my own?  Yes.  Do I have the time, energy or interest?  The time, no, but you make time for something that is important.  Energy or interest?  H E double hockey sticks to the NO.  With all the hats I wear, just taking the time to figure out where to start with a project like this was daunting.  Simplicity came in, and BOOM.  They told me exactly what I needed to do and what tools were needed to fix the problem. Some of the biggest changes you will see are the coordinating hangers, the amazing clear shoe boxes, my husband's new shoe rack, the band for my baseball caps and the biggest thing... Jon was given the task of literally raising the bar.  Did you see how bad that clothing bar was bowing?!  Bravo!

If I never get that extra bedroom turned into a closet all for myself in this house, I'm gonna make the best out of what I have.  I still want to paint the interior and change the lighting and perhaps throw down a little rug for color.  Having professionals like Simplicity come into your home is an indulgence, but it is worth every last penny.  I know for a fact ain't no mama out there going to argue with me that this one is better than........ a pedicure!  Get the 411 on Simplicity here.