Mature Fashion — the QUEEN CITY STYLE — Whitley Adkins

Mature Fashion

Advanced Style

For many years now I have been following Ari Seth Cohen's high fashion, documentary style blog showcasing the street style of mature women and men live from the sidewalks of Manhattan and other great cities alike.  The stylish ladies he features, and their conviction to always put their most fashionable foot forward, remind me of both my Grandmother and Great Grandmother.  If the mailman was the only person she was to see that day my Grandmother was dressed to impress, masterfully accessorized, donning a perfectly coiffed hairstyle, finished off with a bright red or pink lipstick.

Below are a few recent images from Advanced Style.  Be sure to head over there, and actually, you should lock this one in your feed.  We could all take a fashion hint from these fearless style setters. 

I ordered the documentary and cannot wait to watch it this weekend with a girlfriend over wine and pasta.  I'll be sure to share my review!