I am so excited. Like I can't even begin to tell you for one milisecond how excited I am to introduce you to Harriet May. Harriet is a running friend who answered my somewhat desperate sounding call for childcare over Facebook this past fall. Things have been progressing in a great way here at the Queen City Style and with my wardrobe styling. The word thrilled could serve as a launching pad for how I feel about it all. One mind is only good for so much, however, and having Harriet's to bounce ideas off of; or quite frankly right out take the reigns of is like the sound of total silence to my ears, glass of fine chilled wine in my hand accompanied by fiercly delicious cheese on my plate all while my aching feet soak in an ice bath and getting a hurt so good knuckle massage all in my scapula.
I hope you have a great day!