One more day and 2012 is a wrap! Keeping this short and sweet... Grateful for my blessings and (yes) struggles, I entered 2012 saying out loud "This is going to be a great year!" For many reasons it was one of the most difficult years and for many reasons, including the Queen City Style and you, it was one of the greatest. Thanks for being here with me. If the Queen City Style delivers you a fraction of the joy I receive sharing it with you, I consider 2012 a W-I-N. May 2013 bring you and your loved ones many blessings, great opportunity, hope, faith, patience and understanding for others, will, determination and strength, good health, and most importantly, lots and lots of love... and anything else I may have neglected to include that you are seeking. In my best effort to choose my favorite looks for 2012, counting backwards, here are my personal Top 10 favs. I've looked at these, and I wonder, is there consistency? What do these images say about my personal style? Do you have an opinion?? Do you have a favorite here? Is there something more or different you'd like to see? I would love to know. Once again, a big 'ole THANKS for being here!!!
(Click on each image to view original post)
I wish you all the best for a stylish, happy and love-filled 2013!!
With much gratitude, Whitley