Today I'm participating in Marion's Trend of the Month link-up.
So much fun. The topic: Colorful Blazers. I do not own a colorful blazer, and since rushing out to purchase one for the sake of a blog post is not in my budget, nor of my mindset, I hope Marion will not disqualify me for using the best that I have. The white number you see here is the jacket of an old Banana Republic skirt suit I purchased for Precious Peanut #1's Baptism. Let us all be dressed in white! At any rate, if you haven't visited Marion's blog, Marionberry Style, please do. She is really the cutest most beautiful thing. I told her she likens Eva Mendes meets Hillary Swank. Not a bad combo, right? Not to mention, I think she's got the best legs on the Blogoshere. Marion, if you're reading this, I hope I'm not embarrassing you! This just seems like the most befitting intro for my post. So, here goes. I hope everyone approves!
Dress: old, Blazer: Banana Republic- Old, here's one, Shoes: Nine West, Gold Belt: Raina Belts from KK Bloom, Yellow Belt: Forever 21- similar here, Sash: My Grandmother's, Bag: Chanel from Neiman Marcus, similar here, Sunglasses: Blinde, here's a similar pair, Earrings: Old from JT Posh, Bracelet: Henri Bendel, Rings: Melinda Maria, Tiffany, Custom by Diamonds Direct.
I got this dress back in my hometown of Asheville, NC at Lucy Anne, for some sort of semi-formal event. Maybe a Deb party. It's been so long.
I got no shame in showing you this. Oh geez, this is so awful.
But then, looking at the fullness of my cheeks makes me think this was college. You know, that whole drinking too much beer es no bueno for the figure. Kip?? At any rate, I've always had a thing for cocktail dresses, even if I didn't have an occasion. Turns out, 15ish years later, I do!
Let this not be the last image in your head before bed!
Also linking up for my first ever ...
For the love of holding onto things you love and blazer fun...
Thank you so much for reading!! Whitley